Major showdown before final solution

14.09.2011 Vatan
Translated by: Daily News /
Orjinal Metin (tr-9/14/2011)

On one hand, the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, is organizing consecutive attacks in rural and urban areas and preparing for a “revolutionary people’s war.” The Peace and Democracy Party, or BDP, despite all its internal disputes and objections, is obstinate about participating in Parliament. The BDP is giving signals for a new campaign similar to the “civilian disobedience” activities they organized before the elections, which were quite effective.
On the other hand, security forces continue with their operations in mountains and cities, jets regularly bomb PKK targets in northern Iraq and, more importantly, preparations for a land operation that is likely to be extensive are underway.
Add to this the extremely severe statements made mutually, it may be considered that disaster is imminent for Turkey. But as a journalist who has been closely monitoring the Kurdish issue for years, despite all the visible negativity, I am full of hope for a solution. For example, I had written on Aug. 17: “As of today, it is unquestionable that the air is as heavy as lead. But despite this it will not be easy to recognize that we are closer to peace than ever. Even so, I believe the tension we have experienced recently will climb to a certain point and then we will again experience ‘normalization.’”
Indeed not many credited these views of mine. There were those who said I was not making an analysis but expressing my wishes, and also those who thought I was optimistic to a degree that could be called naivety. Anyway, because the existing tension climbed more after that piece, I was not able to voice my optimistic point of view very much. Until Tuesday.
On Tuesday, I saw the following statement in newspapers and it boosted my morale extremely: “Final solutions in major problems sometimes come when the chips are down,” Deputy Prime Minister Beşir Atalay said while speaking to a group of journalists in Ankara, adding that he believed they were at the final stage in the Kurdish issue.

Three geographies
Some will want to read and understand these words of Atalay as, “The PKK is playing its last card, but their end is near like the Tamil Tigers.” For me, I think Atalay here is emphasizing that, in addition to the PKK, the state has also played its last card. As a result, we can say that we are witnessing both sides who want to strengthen their hands on the eve of the final solution. It would not be wrong to define this as “the major showdown before the final solution.”
 On one side of this definition is “final solution,” meaning a positive development; aside that is “major showdown,” a negative situation. This “major showdown” is likely to take place in three locations:

1) northern Iraq, which will be the focus of all eyes in the case of a land operation;

2) the Southeast, where the PKK has carried out disturbing attacks recently not only in rural areas but in city centers too;

3) major cities, whenever the PKK feels trapped in Iraq and the Southeast, it has wanted to shift the conflict to different zones with “blind terror” activities and has been successful in this to a certain extent.
As can be seen, the PKK is doing everything it can to accelerate the occurrence of this “major showdown” sooner rather than later. I hope Turkey progresses through this phase as fast as it can and with minimum damage and reach a final solution on the Kurdish issue as soon as possible.

Destek olmak ister misiniz?
Doğru haber, özgün ve özgür yorum ihtiyacı
Bugün dünyada gazeteciler birer aktivist olmaya zorlanıyor. Bu durum, kutuplaşmanın alabildiğine keskin olduğu Türkiye'de daha fazla karşımıza çıkıyor. Halbuki gazeteci, elinden geldiğince, doğru haber ile özgün ve özgür yorumla toplumun tüm kesimlerine ulaşmaya çalışmalı ve bu yolla, kutuplaşmayı artırma değil azaltmayı kendine hedef edinmeli. Devamı için

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