Kurdish unification in four photographs

03.11.2014 Habertürk
Translated by: Turgay BAYINDIR /
Orjinal Metin (tr-11/1/2014)

The first photograph is from Sinjar Mountains in Iraq. The first group that came to the help of Ezidis who fled from the atrocities of IS(IS) and took refuge in Sinjar Mountains was armed YPG forces (the armed unit of PYD which follows a line similar to that of Abdullah Öcalan) from Rojava, Syria. Following them came HPG forces from Qandil, which is the armed unit of PKK/KCK. After American forces bombed some surrounding IS(IS) targets, over 100 soldiers from the US Special Operations Force arrived at Sinjar Mountains, together with United States Agency for International Development (USAID) personnel. They were also accompanied by peshmarga forces.

This photograph was taken as Ezidis were protesting the peshmarga and American forces for arriving late. According to journalists, the man with the cap is an USAID officer. A YPG fighter is translating between him and Ezidi people. The other one with his back turned to the camera is an HPG fighter.

The second photograph is again from Iraq, taken in Makhmour. IS(IS) captured the city of Makhmour simultaneously with Sinjar. The Makhmour Camp, which hosts refugees from Turkey, was evacuated due to potential IS(IS) attacks. Then, the city was recaptured with peshmarga-HPG cooperation. This photograph was taken during the Iraqi Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) President Masoud Barzani’s visit to Makhmour. Sitting next to Barzani are two HPG commanders who led the operation in Makhmour.

The third photograph is also from Iraq, this time from Kirkuk. Following IS(IS) attacks on Kurdish lands, all eyes were turned to this petrol-rich city. The leaders of Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), which has an important position in the government of the city, appealed to PKK/KCK for support. As seen in this photograph, HPG members arriving from Qandil were meet with enthusiasm by the Kurdish people of Kirkuk.

The fourth photograph is from Turkey. There is no need to go into details: The peshmarga forces that set off from Iraq to lend support to Kobane, encountered intense demonstrations of love in all the towns and cities they went through.   

All these photographs show us that the threat of IS(IS) diminished the conflicts and competition among Kurds and shortened the distances between them. It appears that photographs of this kind will keep coming.

Destek olmak ister misiniz?
Doğru haber, özgün ve özgür yorum ihtiyacı
Bugün dünyada gazeteciler birer aktivist olmaya zorlanıyor. Bu durum, kutuplaşmanın alabildiğine keskin olduğu Türkiye'de daha fazla karşımıza çıkıyor. Halbuki gazeteci, elinden geldiğince, doğru haber ile özgün ve özgür yorumla toplumun tüm kesimlerine ulaşmaya çalışmalı ve bu yolla, kutuplaşmayı artırma değil azaltmayı kendine hedef edinmeli. Devamı için

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