The harm IS(IS) has done to Turkey and could further do

23.10.2014 Vatan
Translated by: Turgay BAYINDIR /
Orjinal Metin (tr-10/8/2014)

In my last article, I wrote, “It is not difficult to understand the motivation of the people of Kobane, the PYD/YPG members who are defending Kobane and the people who are supporting them; however, it is extremely strange that IS(IS), which has encountered such an effective resistance for the first time, is so persistent about capturing this city at the risk of losing the other areas in Syria and Iraq that have been under their control.” However, when I look at the fact that IS(IS) intensified its attacks during the Muslim Feast of Sacrifice, and particularly what has happened in Turkey after street clashes started in Kobane on Monday evening, I think that it is not so strange after all.

Whenever I mention this, it makes some people mad, but it is a fact that IS(IS) possesses a very effective strategic mind: obviously, the minds behind IS(IS) comprehend that the fury and hatred towards PKK still persists in Turkey despite years of resolution processes and that this could easily turn into “hate of the Kurds”. It can be concluded without doubt that IS(IS) calculated that as they continue their charge against Kobane, as YPG resistance holds up, and as Ankara refuses to offer direct or indirect help to the resistance, Turkey will slide into turmoil and that will help IS(IS) widen its support base in Turkey.

A series of start-overs

As soon as an IS(IS) victory emerged as a possibility in Kobane where the resistance of the city against IS(IS), which can be described as a “war between guns versus tanks”, has been taking place in front of the eyes of the whole world, Kurds in Turkey and around the world went into an intense activity of protest. Especially when we look at what has happened in Turkey, we have observed the following:
1.  Even though never completely ended, street clashes between Turkish security forces and the Kurdish Political Movement (KPM), which had significantly declined with the resolution process, suddenly flared up and metropolitan cities took their share of it as well as Kurdish cities.
2.  We have seen that the affinity between the KPM and various other groups of Turkish society, which most recently made itself felt during the presidential campaign of Selahattin Demirtaş, did not last long; Kurds around the country were mostly on their own on the streets.
3.  The fight between KPM and Hezbollah reappeared and quickly spread.
4.  In various places, Kurdish protesters also encountered some Islamist groups which are assumed to be affiliated with IS(IS).
5.  Even more intense than during the Gezi resistance, “civilians” attacked the protesters in cooperation with the security forces.

Going back to the concept of armed struggle against PKK

These are only some of the harm that IS(IS) has already done to Turkey. But why has it happened this way? I suppose the relative effectiveness of IS(IS) against Kurdish groups which follow a line similar to that of PKK opened the recent conclusion of the Turkish state and civil society that “the Kurdish question cannot be resolved through armed conflict” to questioning and reassessment. Today the number of people who watch IS(IS) attacks on Kurds in Kobane with cheers and applause and say, “why shouldn’t the great Republic of Turkey do what IS(IS) is doing?” is increasing quickly.

If we consider that the leaders of the State starting all the way from President Erdoğan use every chance to equate PKK with IS(IS), and to assert that Kobane “can fall any minute” and that “other cantons will fall next”, it would be clear that the course of affairs is not very promising. However, this is a major mistake: IS(IS) is not and cannot be successful in Kobane and even if they capture the city it will not be considered a victory for them. Those who are old enough will remember that the Turkish Military has forced PKK into difficult positions, pushed it out of its emplacements and even raided its camps in northern Iraq for over 30 years. However, there was no absolute victory, there could not be and it would not have been possible.

Therefore, we need to wriggle ourselves out of the lure of IS(IS) which has laid siege on Kobane with the help of its obvious advantage in terms of heavy artillery, and start a nationwide campaign to reinstitute the peace and fraternity which have received heavy blows within the last couple of days.

This needs to be done principally by the political leaders. In this respect, Ankara needs to do what it can to prevent the capture of Kobane by IS(IS) or at least not stop those who want to help the resistance fighters.

On the other hand, if some segments of Turkish society persist in their perception of IS(IS) as some kind of subcontractor that will assuage their feelings of fury and vengeance by making PKK suffer, and therefore continue their covert or open support for IS(IS) directly or indirectly, Turkey will take further share of harm and damage.

Destek olmak ister misiniz?
Doğru haber, özgün ve özgür yorum ihtiyacı
Bugün dünyada gazeteciler birer aktivist olmaya zorlanıyor. Bu durum, kutuplaşmanın alabildiğine keskin olduğu Türkiye'de daha fazla karşımıza çıkıyor. Halbuki gazeteci, elinden geldiğince, doğru haber ile özgün ve özgür yorumla toplumun tüm kesimlerine ulaşmaya çalışmalı ve bu yolla, kutuplaşmayı artırma değil azaltmayı kendine hedef edinmeli. Devamı için

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